C O N T E N T S   e.2024 Cover

Invasive cranial chondrosarcoma

Sameh Achoura, Sameh Sayhi, Khaled Radhouen, Ahmed Harbaoui, Hichem Ammar, Ridha Chkili

(authors from Tunisia) – 15.12.2024

Clinical Image

Varicella complicated by erysipelas in an infant

Faical Kouskous, Widade Kojmane, Noura Kalmi, Hanane Baybay, Fatima Zahra Mernissi, Moustapha Hida

(authors from Morocco) – 15.12.2024

Clinical Image

Trichilemmal cyst on the cheek with sebaceous hyperplasia-like features

Imane Couissi, Zakia Douhi, Zineb Fajri, Meryem Soughi, Sara.El Loudi, Hanane BayBay, Fatima Zahra Mernissi

(authors from Morocco) – 15.12.2024

Clinical Image

Subungual hyperkeratosis with onycholysis of the thumb in an adult patient: what is your diagnosis?

Radia Chakiri, Mona Rimani

(authors from Morocco) – 08.11.2024

What’s your…

Recurrent palmoplantar desquamative erythema: Which diagnosis?

Ihssane Biygjoine, Maryem Aboudourib, Said Amal, Ouafa Hocar

(authors from Morocco) – 08.11.2024

Case Letter

A giant male breast tumor

Sokaina Chhiti, Zakia Douhi, Fatima Zahra Hashas, Meryem Soughi, Sara Elloudi, Hanane Baybay, Fatima Zahra Mernissi

(authors from Morocco) – 08.11.2024

Case Letter

The escamotages to maintain glamour and turgidity in breast of MtF transexual individuals by the aids of cannabinoids and unripe tomatoes

Lorenzo Martini

(author from Italy) – 12.10.2024

Case Letter

Necrosis of the nose revealing chronic agglutinin disease

Sameh Sayhi, Nour Guediche

(authors from Tunisia) – 12.10.2024

Clinical Image

An unusual entry site of non-necrotising dorsal dermo-hypodermatitis

Noura Kalmi, Zakia Douhi, Souad Choukri, Hanane Baybay, Sara Elloudi, Meryem Soughi, Fatima-Zahra Mernissi

(authors from Morocco) – 12.10.2024

Clinical Image

Scleredema adultorum of Buschke during pregnancy

Eleni Klimi

(author from Greece) – 06.09.2024

Clinical Image

Neovaginal dysbiosis in transgender and cisgender women treated with a julep made with Rubia tinctorium maceration (alizarin red) and sodium lauroyl lactylate

Lorenzo Martini, Igor Feszak, Piotr Brzeziński

(authors from Italy and Poland) – 06.09.2024

Case Letter

A papilliferum syringocystadenoma on nevus sebaceous of Jadassohn

Kaoutar Mejjati, Meriem Soughi, Khalil Bouayad, Zakia Douhi, Sara Elloudi, Hanane Baybay, Fatima Zahra Mernissi

(authors from Morocco) – 06.09.2024

Clinical Image

Achtung: Zum Skandal! Pomegranate_cosmetics and dietary supplements have been jeopardising Human Health from decades

Luca Veranzi, Lorenzo Martini

(authors from Italy) – 04.08.2024

Case Letter

Localized psoriasis induced by dry Hijama: A Koebner phenomenon

Sokaina Chhiti, Hanane Baybay, Fatima Zahra Hashas, Zakia Douhi, Meryem Soughi, Sara Elloudi, Fatima Zahra Mernissi

(authors from Morocco) – 04.08.2024

Case Letter

Disseminated multi-metameric zoster

Imane Couissi, Zakia Douhi, Kawtar El Fid, Sara.El Loudi, Hanane BayBay, Meryem Soughi, Fatima Zahra Mernissi

(authors from Morocco) – 04.08.2024

Clinical Image

A modest suggestion of the use of sustainable natural remedies to avoid Skin Melanoma step 0 grow steps I, II or III

Lorenzo Martini, Igor Feszak, Piotr Brzeziński

(authors from Italy and Poland) – 30.06.2024

Case Letter

The use of low-level lasers in the treatment of oral lichen planus (OLP) – a review of the literature

Piotr Zdziebło, Ewelina Machała-Ćwikła, Urszula Łapińska, Kamila Machała, Dominika Machała, Piotr Ćwikła

(authors from Poland) – 30.06.2024

miniReview Article

Acne vulgaris in the age of social media

Ewelina Machała-Ćwikła, Piotr Ćwikła, Piotr Zdziebło, Urszula Łapińska, Kamila Machała, Dominika Machała

(authors from Poland) – 30.06.2024

Practical Issue

Factitial or ethnic longitudinal melanonychia

Eleni Klimi

(author from Greece) – 30.06.2024

Clinical Image

Shakespeare recited: With mirth and laughter let old wrinkles come: the employ of two of the 9 ceramides discovered hitherto are exceptional to defeat radically asphyptic skin

Agnese Nese, Lorenzo Martini, Igor Feszak

(author from Italy and Poland) – 30.06.2024

Case Letter

“A’ la guerre comme à la guerre: le soleil est étroitement lié à la souffrance et à la mort”: A theoretical homeopathic approach able to mitigate or exorcise actinic prurigo

Luca Veranzi, Lorenzo Martini

(authors from Italy) – 22.06.2024

Case Letter

Angioleiomyoma: a rare cause of a painful subcutaneous nodule

Madiha El Jazouly, Ghita Basri, Kenza Okbani, Soumiya Chiheb

(authors from Morocco) – 22.06.2024

Clinical Image

The only escape to the ritual and irrevocable progression of the atrophic bilateral maculopathy in elder is grantly lavished by Queen Nature

Lorenzo Martini

(author from Italy) – 29.05.2024

Case Letter

The route to distinguish cyanosis in skin and etceteras evoked by JN1 or indiscriminate assumption of Argento vitellinato (colloidal silver) chosen to prevent the JN1 itself by antivaxx

Lorenzo Martini

(author from Italy) – 29.05.2024

Case Letter

A red plaque on the nose

Eleni Klimi

(author from Greece) – 24.05.2024

Clinical Image

The problem of excessive hair loss as a signal for the diagnosis of coeliac disease – A family case

Wioleta Jankowiak, Weronika Stępnik, Arkadiusz Jundziłł, Piotr Brzeziński

(authors from Poland) – 14.05.2024

Case Report

Patchy alopecia areata (AA) and diffuse alopecia areata (DAA)

Wioleta Jankowiak, Weronika Stępnik, Arkadiusz Jundziłł, Piotr Brzeziński, Beata Stenka

(authors from Poland) – 14.05.2024

Case Letter

Je prenais le soleil tous les matins en plissant des yeux comme un bienheureux: Martin’s eye drops containing ergot d’Yvon to defend pupil from risky sun ray and avoid Crow’s feet

Lorenzo Martini

(author from Italy) – 25.03.2024

Case Letter

A multilobulated nodule of a cesarean section scar: Think of cutaneous endometriosis

Kenza Tahri Joutei Hassani, Zakia Douhi, Chaymae Bouhamdi, Hanane Baybay, Sara Elloudi, Meryem Soughi, Fatima Zahra Mernissi

(authors from Morocco) – 25.03.2024

Case Letter

Pustular eruption on the face revealing HIV infection

Imane Couissi, Hanane Baybay, Meryem Soughi, Zakia Douhi, Sara El Loudi, Fatima Zahra Mernissi

(authors from Morocco) – 25.03.2024

Clinical Image

Quoted Baudelaire: “Nous sommes démocratisés et syphilisés”, despite the thalidomide scandal in 60ies, the topical use of this drug with Goudron de Norvège is welcome to treat penile lichen sclerosus (PLS)

Lorenzo Martini, Igor Feszak, Piotr Brzeziński

(authors from Italy and Poland) – 07.03.2024

Case Letter

A yellowish nodular rash under the dermoscope

Kenza Tahri Joutei Hassani, Zakia Douhi, Hanane Baybay, Sara Elloudi, Meryem Soughi, Fatima Zahra Mernissi

(authors from Morocco) – 07.03.2024

Clinical Image

Giant cutaneous herpes simplex with an atypical location in a woman with asthma receiving corticosteroids

Noura Kalmi, Zakia Douhi, Souad Choukri, Hanane Baybay, Sara Elloudi, Meryem Soughi, Fatima-Zahra Mernissi

(authors from Morocco) – 07.03.2024

Clinical Image

The “neue welle” of meristem cells of blossoms, roots or fruits and buds of whichever botanical “vagary” in cosmetic may be risky for Human Health

Lorenzo Martini, Igor Feszak, Piotr Brzeziński

(authors from Italy and Poland) – 11.02.2024 

Case Letter

A long-standing scar on the abdomen of healthy woman

Mohammed Shanshal, Nihull Jakharia-shah

(authors from UK) – 11.02.2024

What’s your…

Metale ciężkie w hennach kosmetycznych [Heavy metals in cosmetic henna]

Bożena Karbowska, Wioleta Jankowiak, Edyta Janeba-Bartoszewicz, Agnieszka Szary, Dominika Szatkowska

(authors from Poland) – 11.02.2024 

Letter Research

Molluscum contagiosum scrotale in a child

Imane Couissi, Hanane BayBay, Zineb Fajri, Meryem Soughi, Zakia Douhi, Sara El Loudi, Fatima Zahra Mernissi

(authors from Morocco) – 11.02.2024

Clinical Image

The newest COVID variant JN1 represents an Armageddon towards sybarites and BDSM habitués and aficionados

Lorenzo Martini, Piotr Brzeziński

(authors from Italy and Poland) – 13.01.2024

Case Letter

Pruritus in mycosis fungoides patients: Always consider scabies

Fatima Zahra Hashas, Sara Elloudi, Sokaina Chhiti, Zakia Douhi, Meryem Soughi, Hanane Baybay, Fatima-Zahra Mernissi

(authors from Morocco) – 13.01.2024

Clinical Image

Pyemotes dermatitis: Comet sign

Imane Bahbouhi, Houda Tadili, Maryem Aboudourib, Said Amal, Ouafa Hocar

(authors from Morocco) – 13.01.2024

Clinical Image

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