since 01. April 2011
N Dermatol Online 2011; 2(2): 58-60
[abstract-English, Polish], [article in English], [PDF], [HTML]
N Dermatol Online 2011; 2(2): 48-51
[abstract-English, Polish], [article in English], [PDF], [HTML]
N Dermatol Online 2011; 2(2): 52-57
[abstract-English, Polish], [article in English], [PDF], [HTML]
N Dermatol Online 2011; 2(2): 61-64
[abstract-English, Spanish, Polish], [article in Spanish], [PDF], [HTML]
N Dermatol Online 2011; 2(2): 65-67
[abstract-English, Polish], [article in English], [PDF], [HTML]
N Dermatol Online 2011; 2(2): 68-69
[abstract-English, Polish], [article in English], [PDF], [HTML]
N Dermatol Online 2011; 2(2): 70-73
[abstract-English, Polish], [article in English], [PDF], [HTML]
N Dermatol Online 2011; 2(2): 74-75
[abstract-English, Polish], [article in English], [PDF], [HTML]
N Dermatol Online 2011; 2(2): 76-79
[abstract-English, Polish], [article in English], [PDF], [HTML]
N Dermatol Online 2011; 2(2): 80
[article English, Polish], [PDF], [HTML]
N Dermatol Online 2011; 2(2): 81-100
Penicillium marneffei – AIDS defining illness
Dr. Roberto Arenas (Mexico)
In this paper emphasis is made in endemic areas, but the authors are from India, and it must be mentioned because as far as I know, not many cases have been reported out of the endemic places. An better explanation of the Devi paper must be included.
Introduction: the sentence is not clear: who made the inoculation of hamsters. Also the original reference of Segretain must be included. Discussion: Iatrakonazole is not well written. Another references could be interesting: Drouhet E, Dupont B: Infection a Penicillium marneffei: mycose systématique a manifestation cutanée au SIDA. J Mycol Med 1995;5:21-34.
Enfermedad de Bowen tratada con crioterapia combinada con imiquimod topico al 5%. Tratamiento alternativo a la cirugía en pacientes mayores con co-morbilidades
Dr. Roni Leonardo Teixeira (Brazil)
Job well done, succinct, but well described, even though this is a case report. I believe that alternati ve therapies are always welcome, especially in diseases that affect older people in any region of the skin or mucosa of the body, and variable length. Introduction: Short and consistent with historical account of Bowen’s disease, its characteristics, prevalence, consistent with the literature and highlighting the importance of a treatment protocol for Bowen’s disease. This work could be a first step for the authors to study the possibility of mounting such a protocol. Case report: The patient was elderly and hypertensive, with relatively large lesion in the left leg, underwent cryotherapy 5% imiquimod combined with a good outcome with minimal scarring after resolution of the case. My question is at the time of blood pressure control in patients before treatment, and would it not have more benefit from conventional surgery, with blood pressure control? How about the cost to the patient in need of public service health,
which is poor in Latin America, most of the time? Comment: The description is interesting, with support from the literature, pointing to differential diagnosis, various treatments, and finally, brilliantly, about the actual therapeutic indications described as well as costs.
Hematoma of the proximal nail fold. Report of 41 cases
Dr. Alin Tatu (Romania)
The article about hemangioma of the proximal nail fold is interesting. I suggest if possible some more dermoscopic pictures, maibe The Cappilaroscopy of the proximal nail fold (50Xmagnification) to see the state of the cappilaries.Also it would be interesting if they have some dermoscopic pictures of the distai part of the nail when hematoma is on the proximal nail fold and after some weeks-months to see the eventual involvement of the nail plate. Also is interesting if some of the hematoma were organised as fibromatous hematoma or not.
Chukwudi Nwabudike, MD Ph.D (Romania)
I think it is a good article and the information will be good for all of us to remember, i.e. trauma from oximeters. This trauma can also be a source of infection and possible gangrene of not noticed on time many patients had the tram for more than 2 weeks!), oximeter manufacturers may take this into account in the fabrication of their equipment, to make them less traumatic. Congratulate the author on my behalf.
Dr. Irdina Drljevic (Bosna i Hercegovina)
The work is original and very nice. Regards to the autor and Gvatemala.
Chang Patricia, MD PhD (Guatemala)
Dear Dr. Drljevic: Thank you for your comments is really very interesting this tiny Hematoma due to oximeter. Best Regards.
Chang Patricia, MD PhD (Guatemala)
Dear Dr. Tatu: Thank you for your comments the hematoma dissapears in few days there s no fibromatous hematoma, no nail plate involvement. Dermoscopy only shows simple hematoma without damage to the capillary. Best Regards.
Chang Patricia, MD PhD (Guatemala)
Dear Dr. Nwabudike:Thank you for your comments.
The madura foot – a case report
Dr. Roberto Arenas (Mexico)
The authors report a case withs similar lesions than mycetoma and also describe the presence of granules discharging by sinus tracts. However they do not describe the color and size of these granules and they do not show these elements, they only show the Gram positive branching filaments. On the conclusion they talk about actinomycosis. As the authors properly describe actinomycetoma is caused by actinomycetes, but it is a disease than nocardiosis and than actinomycosis, the last one caused by anaerobic. It is an interesting case but diagnosis must be clarified.
Dr. Anaparthy Usharani (India)
I have gone through the case report „Madura foot- Case report”. the findings are correct. Now Madura foot is known as mycetoma foot. References mentioned are 10-15 years old. Latest references should be there.
Dr. Alexandro Bonifaz (Mexico)
It is interesting but I think that the authors have confusion between two diseases: actinomycetoma and actinomycosis. Probably the presented case is not actinomyccetoma, that is caused for aerobic actinomycetes (like Nocardia, Actinomadura and Streptomyces) and initiates later to traumatisms and generally it is treated with sulphas, aminoglucosids (Amikcin and kanamycin) or amoxicillin/clavulanate and treatment has never been brought by penicillin. On the other hand the actinomycosis is a disease caused for anaerobic or microarophilic actinomycetes (like Actinomyces) and is an endogenous infection, forms grains or granules like the mycetoma and the botriomycosis) and its treatment of choice is penicillin Three diseases: mycetoma (actino and eumycetoma); atinomycosis and botriomycosis can be similar clinical but with different treatment.
Dermoscopy of scabies
Dr. Alin Tatu (Romania)
As we know now Dermocopy is a very usefull tool for diagnosing Scabies. As Geppi Argenziano said for the first time at Barcelona ISD Congress we speak now about Enthomo-Dermoscopy. As we know he was the first one to observe the Mite through the dermoscope as in his original article published in Arch. Dermatol 1997;133;751-3. The original sign of Sarcoptes is the Brown triangle-which corresponded to the pigmented anterior area and the first pair of legs. A subtle linear segment seen below the base of the triangle was made visible by the presence of small air bubbles. Together, both structures resembled a jet with contrail. The linear segment observed on ELM was thought to be the burrow of the mite along with its eggs and fecal pellets. So the article is o.k. but is necessary to use the common defibitions like-brown triangle -for the anterior part and first pair of legs. The contrail is the burrow whisch contents eggs and fecal pellets. The brown triangle and the contrail -both together are named, delta wing jet sign.
Dr. Rakesh Bharti (India)
Nicely written article—better photos and a little more detail about the technique and gadget would have made it best.
Polycystic ovarian disease: a dermatologist’s viewpoint
Dr. Rukhsana Parvin (Bangladesh)
I have gone through the article: Polycystic ovarian disaease:a dermatologist’s viewpoint. I think it is nicely written by the authors. There are few spelling mistakes. Authors could have given some pictures which would enrich the paper. Otherwise this is fine.
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