since 12. August 2016





CASE REPORTS                                                                                                                      

Agnieszka Giza, Tomasz Stramek, Andrzej Jaworek, Grzegorz Dyduch, Wojciech Jurczak, Aleksander Skotnicki
Scalp skin primary cutaneous follicle center lymphoma – Case report
      Our Dermatol Online 2016; 7(Suppl. 1): 366-368         DOI: 10.7241/ourd.20163.100

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Raditsa Sokolova, Svetlan Dermendzhiev, Rumyna Yankova
Angioedema associated with Helicobacter pylori and type 2 diabetes
      Our Dermatol Online 2016; 7(Suppl. 1): 369-371          DOI: 10.7241/ourd.20163.101

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Aboubacar H. Bambara , Amina N Ouedraogo, Nina A Ouedraogo Nde, Vincent B Ili, Jérôme Sanou, Achach Thouraya Chtioui, Tarticus Konsem
Dermatofibrosarcome de Darier Ferrand sous orbitaire: Une localisation rare
[Dermatofibrosarcoma Darier Ferrand under orbital: A rare location]
      Our Dermatol Online 2016; 7(Suppl. 1): 372-376         DOI: 10.7241/ourd.20163.102

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