Atypical presentations of superficial dermatophytoses associated with Ruocco’s immunocompromised cutaneous district: A case series Ramesh Kumar…
Atypical localization of molluscum contagiosum in an immunocompetent adult Meryem Soughi Dermatology Department, Taounat peripheral Hospital,…
A study of the pattern of non-venereal genital dermatoses in male patients at a Tertiary Care…
Cutaneous lymphangioma circumscriptum after mastectomy for breast cancer Anissa Zaouak1, Wafa Koubaa2, Houda Hammami3, Samy Fenniche4…
A study on the cutaneous manifestations of an internal malignancy in a tertiary care center in…
Papular mucinosis (papular lichen myxedematosus): Clinical and histopathological evaluation Khalifa Sharquie1, Raed I Jabbar2 1Department of…
Mucocutaneous disorders in HIV/AIDS at a tertiary care hospital in Nepal: An observational study Prabhat Singh…
Efficacy and safety of povidone iodine with dimethyl sulfoxide vs 0.05% tretinoin in treatment of molluscum…
An unusual labial tumor: A case report and review Meryem Khalidi, Hasna Kerrouch, Mohammed El Amraoui,…