Piotr Brzezinski, MD PhD – Poland -Lecturer in Department of Physiotherapy and Medical Emergency, Faculty of…
Is there the remote luckyness that microbic extracts may represent a godsend to combat Eritropoietic Porphyria…
Neovaginal dysbiosis in transgender and cisgender women treated with a julep made with Rubia tinctorium maceration…
A modest suggestion of the use of sustainable natural remedies to avoid Skin Melanoma step 0…
The problem of excessive hair loss as a signal for the diagnosis of coeliac disease –…
Patchy alopecia areata (AA) and diffuse alopecia areata (DAA) Wioleta Jankowiak1, Weronika Stępnik2, Arkadiusz Jundziłł3, Piotr…
Quoted Baudelaire: “Nous sommes démocratisés et syphilisés”, despite the thalidomide scandal in 60ies, the topical use…
The “neue welle” of meristem cells of blossoms, roots or fruits and buds of whichever botanical…
The newest COVID variant JN1 represents an Armageddon towards sybarites and BDSM habitués and aficionados Lorenzo…