Challenges and impact of COVID-19 on teledermatology practice in providing continued care to patients in a…
The experience of mobile teledermatology during the COVID-19 pandemic in Nepal: A feasible alternative even in…
Teledermatology and COVID-19 in a resource-limited country such as Nepal Jha Krishna, Jha Anil Kumar DI…
Overwhelmed healthcare services and the prevailing threat of COVID-19 infection among healthcare workers: Implications on dermatology…
Dermatology residents and teledermatology education during COVID-19 Mirela Vasileva1, Vesna Brishkoska Boshkovski2, Stojka Vasileva1 1Department of…
The profile of teledermatology consultations during the COVID-19 pandemic: An observational study Mrinal Gupta1, Shashank Bhargava2…
Dermatologists and burnout: Myth or reality? Hali Fouzia1, Mahdar Yasmine1*, Battas Yasmine2, Chiheb Soumiya1, Battas Omar2…