Alopecia barbae: A natural way to cure it by the aids of moutarde d’Orléans and tumeric powder
Piotr Brzeziński1, Lorenzo Martini1,2
1University of Siena, Department of Pharmaceutical Biotechnologies, Via A. Moro 2, 53100 Siena, Italy; 2C.R.I.S.M.A. Inter University Centre for Researched Advanced Medical Systems
Corresponding author: Prof. Lorenzo Martini, E-mail:
Submission: 14.11.2019; Acceptance: 20.12.2019
DOI: 10.7241/ourd.2020e.2
Cite this article: Brzeziński P, Martini L. Alopecia barbae: A natural way to cure it by the aids of moutarde d’Orléans and tumeric powder. Our Dermatol Online. 2020;11(e):e2.1-e2.3.
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© Our Dermatology Online 2020. No commercial re-use. See rights and permissions. Published by Our Dermatology Online.
Alopecia areata of the beard in young and mature men is a health condition that causes hair loss from the face. It’s an autoimmune disease, which means that the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks healthy cells. In this case it’s attacks hair follicles of face and neck.
Alopecia barbae is a specific form of alopecia areata that affects only the beard. Usually, it comes on suddenly and one begins losing beard hair in small circular patches.
Alopecia barbae is an autoimmune condition where hair follicles are attacked by the own body itself, causing patchy hair loss [1].
Commonly, hair loss occurs in small circular patches, often along the jawline, though you may lose all of beard hair. The hair loss can be isolated to the sole beard, or it can occur in other places, such as scalp or other spots of the face.
While the exact causes are unknown, often psychological and physical stress are linked to alopecia. Genetics may also play a role: It’s more common in those related to someone with alopecia, asthma, or allergies.
Having relatives with an autoimmune condition puts the patient at a higher risk of developing alopecia barbae. These include type 1 diabetes, lupus, and psoriasis. Certain viruses, substances, or medications can also be triggers.
Amongst the symptoms it’s not easy to predict how alopecia barbae will develop. Hair loss can come on suddenly, within a few days, or over a few weeks.
Bald patches occur in small circular patches about the size of a quarter. As more hair is lost, these circles will sometimes begin to overlap. Hair around the edges of these patches may also be white.
The skin may feel itchy and painful before losing hair. Usually, the visible skin is smooth, though it can feel rough. Some people experience redness, irritation, and inflammation in the bald spots.
Exclamation mark hairs – hairs narrower at the bottom – sometimes grow in and around the bald patch.
A doctor or dermatologist can diagnose alopecia barbae. Sometimes this can be done by looking at your hair loss and samples of your hair under a microscope.
The patient may need to have a scalp biopsy or a blood test to test for signs of an infection or an underlying medical condition, including an autoimmune disorder. He can be tested for other conditions that can cause hair loss, such as fungal infections or thyroid disorders.
While there’s no cure for alopecia barbae, it may be treated and managed very simply.
With treatment, hair may grow back and remain, but it’s possible that it could fall out again. Several years can pass between recurrences. It’s also possible for hair to grow back partially.
Hair may grow back the same as it was before, though it has the potential to grow back in a different color or texture. Sometimes it doesn’t grow back at all.
Different treatments have varying results depending on the individual. This can depend on how much hair loss the patient has, his age, and other factors.
The aim of these treatments is to block the attack of the immune system and to stimulate hair growth. In general, treatments are more effective if the patient lost less than half of your hair [2–5].
Several different medications can be used to treat hair loss on your beard, including:
- Corticosteroids. These are anti-inflammatory drugs used to suppress the immune system. Usually, they’re applied topically or given as shots.
- Diphencyprone (DPCP). This medication can be applied to bald patches. It causes an allergic reaction characterized by redness, swelling, and itching. This is thought to trick the immune system into sending white blood cells to the surface of the skin to reduce inflammation and keep the hair follicles active. Results can take three months.
- Anthralin. This is a cream or ointment often used to treat psoriasis. The tar-like substance is applied to hairless patches once a day and left on for 30 minutes to up to a few hours. It irritates the skin, promoting hair growth. Results are usually visible within 8 to 12 weeks.
There are also home remedies that can be used to treat hair loss in beard. Much of their effectiveness against alopecia barbae is anecdotal, but they may be worth a try, depending on the specific condition.
The natural healing properties of garlic may be useful in improving symptoms of alopecia barbae.
While there isn’t research specifically for alopecia barbae, a small 2007 study found that garlic gel was effective in treating alopecia areata of beard.
People who used the garlic gel along with a corticosteroid cream showed significant improvements compared to the group who only used the corticosteroid cream.
This is a natural supplement containing marine extracts. It promotes hair growth in people with thinning hair when taken over a period of at least six months.
It works by regenerating new cells and strengthening existing cells. Research is anecdotal in terms of treating alopecia barbae, but other studies have shown it to be effective in promoting hair growth.
A study from 2016 examined the effects of a similar marine complex supplement. When taken for six months, the supplement was shown to promote hair growth and decrease shedding in men with thinning hair.
Following a healthy diet that includes vitamins and minerals necessary for hair growth is important. Adding supplements to the diet can give a boost of zinc and biotin, which can promote hair growth and prevent hair loss.
More research is necessary to determine the effectiveness of other natural options for hair loss, including: wheatgrass; aloe vera; castor, coconut, or almond oil; lavender, rosemary, and geranium essential oils; fish oil; probiotics.
Having alopecia of the beard isn’t cause for concern in terms of health, but emotionally it can have an impact. Hair loss has the potential to be challenging, particularly if the patient starts to lose hair in other places.
Whatever the concerns may be, it must be remembered that they’re perfectly normal. If it’s affecting the patient’s mental health, so he might consider seeing a therapist or joining an online support group. A supportive, professional environment may help him to deal with what he is experiencing.
The National Alopecia Areata Foundation has support groups all over the world. These groups provide a safe, trusting, comfortable environment for the patient himself and his relatives and friends to share and learn from personal experiences in dealing with alopecia barbae. He will learn how to deal with and overcome challenges that accompany this condition.
If somebody finds that alopecia barbae is affecting his quality of life or he would like to figure out what’s causing it, it is advisable for him to call at a dermatologist or doctor. They can assess the severity of the symptoms, determine if there are other underlying causes, and come up with an appropriate treatment plan.
Anyway Alopecia barbae won’t put man’s health at risk, but it can be difficult to deal with emotionally. Experiment with different treatment options to see if one of them can offer him an improvement or solution.
Since this condition can be challenging, it is better to set up lifestyle as taking care of himself in the best way possible, taking measures to increase the feelings of well-being and create a healthy routine.
The AA of this modest case report discovered a very ancient eastern recipe to treat this disagreeable disease: using mustard and turmeric powder.
Effectively turmeric powder (Curcuma longa containing curcumin) is a very efficient immune stimulating agent [3–6], administered both orally than topically.
Mustard, like all the herbal principles containing isothiocyanates, is active against fungal aggressions onto skin [7–9].
The preparation was made mixing simple creamy Dijon mustard and turmeric powder and linseed oil (because it is an adhesive and vanishing vegetable oil).
The percentages were 15% of moutarde,8 of turmeric powder and 77 of linseed oil.
The AA have recruited a young man (31 y. old, black haired with 7 white spots of alopecia barbae, the greatest measured 4×3 and the smaller 2×2.
The treatment lasted one entire month and the oily lotion was to be spread only the night before to go to bed.
The very valuable results were evident after the 19th days but at the end of the cure all spots were not more whitish, but the stains were completely flesh colored.
The identical color of the surrounding face skin.
The volunteer shaved fully his beard the very first day, before the beginning of the treatment.
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