LED-blue light, Babchi seed extract and Malay tea administered both orally and topically to cure Inverse and plaque psoriasis
Piotr Brzezinski1, Lorenzo Martini1,2
1University of Siena, Department of Pharmaceutical Biotechnologies, Via A. Moro 2, 53100 Siena, Italy; 2C.R.I.S.M.A. Inter University Centre for Researched Advanced Medical Systems
Corresponding author: Prof. Lorenzo Martini, M.Sc., E-mail: martini36@unisi.it
Submission: 17.04.2019; Acceptance: 20.05.2019
Cite this article: Brzeziński P, Martini L. LED-blue light, Babchi seed extract and Malay tea administered both orally and topically to cure Inverse and plaque psoriasis. Our Dermatol Online. 2019;10(e):e19.1-e19.3
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© Our Dermatology Online 2019. No commercial re-use. See rights and permissions. Published by Our Dermatology Online.
Scope of our paper is to demonstrate how a psychedelic drug assumed by somebody who is going to leach and suck some part of the body of another person, may penetrate the epidermal barrier and duplicate the same effects the drug itself provokes in the individual who assumes the drug itself prior. There is a very old study that records the time of penetration in the epidermal barrier of scrotum in man, and for this reason we have chosen to investigate upon the effects an hallucinogen (Elemi oil) can reproduce its effects similarly by applying (through leaching) the drug on the scrotum of other individuals. The subject who likes to make fellatio to volunteers is only one girl: she is not a nymphomaniac but a girl who have some extravagant and odd psychedelic phantasies and makes three fellatio to three volunteers.
Key words: Manila Elemi oil; Fellatio; Oral mucosa; Scrotum
Recently the same AA of this paper published an article concerning the attempt to combat the first onset of psoriasis in young people (the transition from psoriasis punctata to guttata) [1] and now they desire to face the problem of the occurrence of other more severe types of Psoriasis in elder when the first onset of psoriasis punctata had been prior neglected at all.
These kinds of psoriasis are the Plaque and inverse ones, almost as far this modest contribution is concerned, and these diseases appear as a consequential evolution of the first step and the chief responsible of their occurrence is the presence of manifold Streptococcus beta haemolyticus streams in situ or in blood stream [2-4].
Generally, psoriasis is a common skin condition that speeds up the life cycle of skin cells. It causes cells to build up rapidly on the surface of the skin. The extra skin cells form scales and red patches that are itchy and sometimes painful.
Psoriasis is a chronic disease that often comes and goes. The main goal of treatment is to stop the skin cells from growing so quickly.
There is absolutely no definitive cure for psoriasis, but you can manage symptoms. Lifestyle measures, such as moisturizing, quitting smoking and managing stress, may help.
Plaque psoriasis is the most common form amongst the severe stages of this skin plague: plaque psoriasis causes dry, raised, red skin lesions (plaques) covered with silvery scales. The plaques might be itchy or painful and there may be few or many. They can occur anywhere on all body, including genitals and the soft tissue inside the mouth. Inverse psoriasis indeed mainly affects the skin in the armpits, in the groin, under the breasts and around the genitals.
Inverse psoriasis causes smooth patches of red, inflamed skin that worsen with friction and sweating. Fungal infections may trigger this type of psoriasis, when the presence of bacterial colonies are invasive [5].
Common remedies are corticosteroids, especially administered topically, but there are too many problems colleague with this doctrine.
Topical corticosteroids are in effect the most frequently prescribed medications for treating mild to moderate psoriasis. They reduce inflammation and relieve itching and may be used with other treatments.
Mild corticosteroid ointments are usually recommended for sensitive areas, such as face or skin folds, and for treating widespread patches of damaged skin even if it is well known that corticosteroids act for all the time they are employed: relapses due to the ceasing of the usage of cortison are sadly notorious.
Effectively, long-term use or overuse of strong corticosteroids can cause thinning of the skin. Topical corticosteroids may stop working over time. It’s usually best to use topical corticosteroids as a short-term treatment during flares.
Since it has been well defined that the chief cause of the occurrence of these two types of psoriasis is the invasion of streptococcal invasion, the AA have made up their mind to treat these two skin infections using very light phytosteroids and isoflavones to apply onto the interested areas of the body a cream containing phytosteroids extracted from the seeds of a plant and to drink the tea of the dried fruits of the same herb containing isoflavones and to expose these areas to LED-blue light.
The AA of this paper deem that physteroids represent a class of steroids that are not so strong and could be used for long term therapies and thought too that these phytosteroids and consequentially even the isoflavones of the same plant could be administered both topically and orally (as teas). The plant the AA have selected is Psoralea coryfolia (the trivial names are: Kushtanashin, Babchi, Malay tea, Scurf-pea, Fountain bush, West Indian Satinwood.
And, precisely,
PC seed extract may be inserted in a cosmetic formula to be spread onto the affected zones twice a day and PC fruit extract may be administered orally as a tea to be taken twice a day.
Seeds do contain phytosterols and fruits do contain isoflavones and the two actions are synergical.
So the complete treatment is the following: An ointment made of; Psoralea coryfolia seed extract 15; Adeps bovis q.s.
And a tea made of PC fruit extract (15%) Madera wine (10%) and water till 100%.
The ointment must be spread in the night before to go to bed (whilst the AA recommend to spread the pure extract of PC directly on the infected areas of the body by the aids of a wadding in the morning and also the tea must be taken in the morning (the morning tea must be with no Madera wine for obvious reasons as driving vehicles or job) and in the night before to go to bed (this night- tea must be enriched by Madera wine, that favors the absorption of the vegetal extract) and the ointment is utterly suggested for the night.
The AA have recruited two men, A and B, A is a black man coming from the Horn of Africa and B is Caucasian coming from Austria.
A is 44 y. old.
B is 42 y. olds.
The two volunteers suffer from plaque and inverse psoriasis.
The AA prayed the volunteers not to smoke or drink alcohol for 21 days, because the proof must last three entire weeks, and to spread the pure extract directly on the interested spots in the morning, drinking the tea (with no Madera wine) and to remain exposed to a LED-blue light lamp for 20 minutes.
The night before to go to bed, the volunteers were prayed to spread the ointment onto the interested areas of the body, to drink the tea corrected with Madera wine and to stay underneath the LED blue light lamp for 20 minutes.
The AA have observed a neat regression in Case A after the 11th day and a regression very feeble regression in Case B after the 8th day, more evident after the 13rd day and very important after the 19th day.
The regression can be represented by the disappearance of the silvery scales and the redness and sensation of wet around the interested zones.
The fact that one may assist to a quicker regression in the black man is due to the ascertainment that the incidence and severity of psoriasis is major when patients live far from Equator [6].
Statement of Human and Animal Rights
All procedures followed were in accordance with the ethical standards of the responsible committee on human experimentation (institutional and national) and with the Helsinki Declaration of 1975, as revised in 2008.
Statement of Informed Consent
Informed consent was obtained from all patients for being included in the study.
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Source of Support: Nil
Conflict of Interest: None declared.
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