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Our Dermatol Online. 2011; 2(4): 218
Date of submission: 05.09.2011 / acceptance: 05.09.20111
Conflicts of interest: None

Anca Chiriac, Liliana Foia, Tudor Pinteala, Anca E. Chiriac


Prof. Uwe Wollina – Department of Dermatology and Allergology, Academic Teaching Hospital Dresden-Friedrichstadt, Dresden, Germany


How to cite an article: Wollina U. Comment: Acne inversa (Hurley clinical stage II ): case report. Our Dermatol Online 2011; 2(4): 216-218.

Acne inversa also known as hidradenitis suppurativa is a chronic disease with great burden for patients. There has been much debate about terms and contents. From the histopathologic point of view, hidradenitis is a misnomer but as with other misnomers in medicine it is still in use. Although smoking and obesity are major known risk factors, stopping smoking after onset of disease does not alter the course so much. Treatment can be a challenge. Drug therapy often does not make a point. Only in early stages there is a temporary release. The more advanced the disease the greater the need for surgery. This has been very nicely shown by the contribution of Anca Chiriac et al. from Romania, who tried to cope with the disease by a broad armentarium of drugs and procedures. The paper also demonstrates that dermatologic surgery needs to be more developed in Europe. If we as dermatologists want to deal with the more severe dermatoses we have to establish a curriculum in dermatologic surgery. There is a number of very succesfull societies world wide like the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery, the British Society for Dermatologic Surgery, the Indian Society for Dermatologic Surgery or the Polish Society for Dermatologic Surgery just to name a few. It would be an interesting idea to develop some standards for education and procedures in Europe.

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