Prof. Roberto Arenas – MEXICO
Profesor of Dermatology and Mycology. University of Mexico.
Departments of Dermatology, “Dr Manuel Gea González”, General Hospital, Mexico City
Tel. 56156884
Main interest in tropical diseases, mycoses and nail diseases.
Brief professional biography: Roberto Arenas. Graduated as MD from Guanajuato University at the Faculty of Medicine in Leon, Gto. He became Dermatologist at the Centro Dermatologico Pascua (Prof. F. Latapi). He studied Medical Mycology at Pasteur Institut in Paris, France under direction of Prof. F. Mariat. For thirty years he has been Professor of Dermatology at the University of México (UNAM). He became to be President of the Mexican Society of Dermatology and the Mexican Academy of Dermatology. He is member of the Mexican Board of Dermatology, member of the National Academy of Medicine. and Assistant Professor at the Department of Dermatology and Chief of the Mycology Section at “Dr. Manuel Gea González” General Hospital, México City, México. Visitant Professor University of Texas Medical Branch. Chief of the Diplomat in Medical Mycology, University of Mexico. President (2003/2007) Iber Latin American College of Dermatology. Ex editor Dermatología Revista Mexicana 1992 to 2000 Journal editorial cordinator Dermatología Cosmética Médica y Quirúrgica.
Medical papers: Originals 310, Short communications and others 86.
Honorary member: Nacional:
Dermatology Society Guanajuato 1991
Dermatology Society Tijuana 1998
Dermatology Society Veracruz 2003
Dermatology Society Costa Rica 1986
Dermatology Society Paraguay 1992
Mexican Surgery and Dermatology Society 1995
Dermatology Society Chile 1998
Dermatology Society Venezuela 1998
Dermatology Society Peru 1998
Dermatology Society Ecuador 1999
Dermatology Society Dominican Republic 1999
Dermatology Society Argentina 2000
Addres: Dermatologist and Mycologist, “Dr. Manuel Gea Gonzalez” General Hospital, Tlalpan 4800, México, D.F. 14000, Mailing address: Tlalpan 4800, México D.F. 14000, Phone number: 525 5665 7791, E-mail: rarenas98@hotmail. com, Fax: 525 56657791,
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