Igor Feszak, MD – Poland ORCID: 0000-0003-0719-1754 Education: 2022 – graduate of the Pomeranian Medical University…
Biologically-inspired intimacy products: exploring cultural significance and sensory innovation Lorenzo Martini1,2, Igor Feszak3, Piotr Brzeziński3 1University…
Is there the remote luckyness that microbic extracts may represent a godsend to combat Eritropoietic Porphyria…
Neovaginal dysbiosis in transgender and cisgender women treated with a julep made with Rubia tinctorium maceration…
A modest suggestion of the use of sustainable natural remedies to avoid Skin Melanoma step 0…
Shakespeare recited: With mirth and laughter let old wrinkles come: the employ of two of the…
Quoted Baudelaire: “Nous sommes démocratisés et syphilisés”, despite the thalidomide scandal in 60ies, the topical use…
The “neue welle” of meristem cells of blossoms, roots or fruits and buds of whichever botanical…