Two cases of sporotrichoid leischmaniasis induced by antimonyate infiltration Mohamed El Amraoui, Rachid Frikh, Naoufal Hjira,…
Fixed pigmented erythema: a potential cause of capricious, atypical and recidivant balanitis Mohamed El Amraoui, Rachid…
HIV and venous thromboembolism risk: Report of 3 cases with review of the literature Mohamed El…
Epidemio-clinical, etiological, therapeutic and evolutive profile of hyperhidrosis: Moroccan experience Mohamed El Amraoui1, Abdelhafid Achbouk2, Rachid…
A case of twenty nails dystrophy on atopic dermatitis Mohamed El Amraoui, Rachid Frikh, Naoufal Hjira,…
List of unique authors who have published articles in the journal (2021) in regular issues in…
List of unique authors who have published articles in the journal (2020) in regular issues in…