Melanonychia in children Ouiame EL Jouari, Ghita Senhaji, Salim Gallouj, Hanane Baybay, Fatima Zahra Mernissi Department…
Idiopathic pyoderma gangrenosum Amina Lamouaffaq, Salim Gallouj, Hanane Baybay, Fatima Zahra Mernissi Department of Dermatology, University…
Un impétigobulleuxcompliquant un érysipèle chez un nourrisson [A case report of an Infant erysipelas on a…
Syndrome de Rothmund Thomson familial [The Rothmund Thomson syndrome: about 2 cases] Abdellah Dah Cherif, Younes…
Le syndrome de Gorlin: Un cas sporadique [The Gorlin syndrome: a sporadic case] Abdellah Dah Cherif,…
La pneumonie varicelleuse: une complication grave de la varicelle chez l’adulte [Varicella pneumonia: A serious complication…
Herpes zoster ophtalmicus in children: A prospective study Mohammed Chaouche, Zakia Douhi, Selma El Kadiri, Abdellah…
Large plexiform neurofibroma of the lower extremity Mohammed Chaouche, Younes Barbach, Abdellah Dah Cherif, Sara Elloudi,…
Primary erythromelalgia – case report Mohammed Chaouche, Safae Zinoune, Abdellah Dah Cherif, Younes Barbach, Sara Elloudi,…