Hamartome angio-eccrine: A propos de deux observations à Dakar, Sénégal [Angio-eccrine hamartoma: About two cases in…
Hidradenoma with an atypical localization mimicking lipoma Farah Marraha, Ibtissam Al Faker, Hanane Chahoub, Youness Benyamna,…
Artificial pearl-induced penile annular lichen planus Ngo Binh Trinh1, Giang Huong Tran2 1Department of Venereology, Ho…
Level of adherence to acne treatment and associated factors in patients with acne in Yaoundé, Cameroon…
Teledermatology and COVID-19 in a resource-limited country such as Nepal Jha Krishna, Jha Anil Kumar DI…
Substancje szkodliwe występujące w preparatach do koloryzacji [Noxious substances in hair dye cosmetics] Bożena Karbowska1, Edyta…
Rennin and lecithin to treat vaginosis in a lesbian and bisex woman Lorenzo Martini1,2 1University of…
Blue rubber bleb nevus syndrome Zachary Kolansky1, Glenn Kolansky2 1Tulane University School of Medicine, New Orleans,…
Recurrent periorbital BCC after ocular exenteration Ryme Dassouli1, Sara Elloudi1, Kenza Tahri Joutei1, Khaoula Abdellaoui2, Hanane…