Penile papules on glans and sulcus coronarius

Alin Laurentiu Tatu

Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, University ,,Dunarea de Jos “, Galati, Romania

Corresponding author: Alin Laurentiu Tatu, MD PhD, E-mail:

Submission: 31.01.2017; Acceptance: 04.02.2017

DOI: 10.7241/ourd.2017e.2

How to cite this article: Tatu AL. Penile papules on glans and sulcus coronarius. Our Dermatol Online. 2017;8(1e):e3.


A 30 years old man presented with a ten years history of small white papules on his glans penis (Fig. 1a) and he was referred from his girlfriend who was afraid about infections with human papilloma virus. On examination there were dome-shaped, small flesh coloured papules around his glans penis with a great density on the inferior side of the glans on the sulcus coronarius (Fig. 1b). They were completely asymptomatic and there were no other local or general signs as lymphadenopathy, or warts on the hands or perigenital area and also the mycological exam was negative so a presumptive diagnosis of pearly penile papules was made. The patient was insured about the benign nature of the condition and was explained that a biopsy will certify the diagnosis but is not mandatory and the therapeutic methods including laser ablation, cryotherapy or electrodessication are possible but not neccesary and reserved just for cosmetic reasons for distressed individuals.

Figure 1a: White pearly papules arround glans penis.

Figure 1b: Small flesh coloured dome shaped papules on sulcus coronaries.

Source of Support: Nil,

Conflict of Interest: None declared.

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