C O N T E N T S   e.2025 Cover

Is there the remote luckyness that microbic extracts may represent a godsend to combat Eritropoietic Porphyria in mammals, together with some special fats?

Lorenzo Martini, Igor Feszak, Piotr Brzeziński

(authors from Italy and Poland) – 03.01.2025

Case Letter

A case of bullous pemphigoid induced by a sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitor

Amani Fliti, Meryem Elomari Alaoui, Nadia Ismaili, Mariame Meziane, Laila Benzekri, Karima Senouci

(authors from Morocco) – 03.01.2025

Clinical Image

HIV infection revealed by a diffuse molluscum contagiosum

Imane Couissi, Hanane BayBay, Meryem Soughi, Sara El Loudi, Zakia Douhi, Fatima Zahra Mernissi

(authors from Morocco) – 03.01.2025

Case Letter

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