• Most read article (issues 2010):

"Corynebacterium triad" in soldiers

  • Most read article (issues 2011):

Dermatology eponyms – phenomen / sign –dictionary (D)

  • Most read article (issues 2012):

Expecting the most unexpected – a harlequin baby! A case report and literature analysis

  • Most read article (issues 2013):

Dermatology Eponyms – sign –Lexicon (H)

  • Most read article (issues 2014):

Patologias umbilicales en niños. Aporte de dos casos y revisión de la literatura. [Umbilical pathologies in children. Report of two cases and review of the literature]

  • Most read article (issues 2015):

Videodermatoscopy of pearly penile papules. Case reports

  • Most read article (issues 2016):

Porokeratosis of the scrotum

  • Most read article (issues 2017):

A giant skin tag of the scrotum and verruca anogenitalis

  • Most read article (issues 2018):

Dermoscopic surprises in a series of 6 cases

  • Most read article (issues 2019):

Immunoglobulin levels in maternal blood, cord blood and breast milk of Nigerian pregnant women using hydroquinone and non-hydroquinone containing skin lightening creams

  • Most read article (issues 2020):

Candida balanitis. Clinical and mycological study about the efficacy of a single-day oral treatment with itraconazole (400 mg)



  • Most read articles (11.12.2020)

Expecting the most unexpected – a harlequin baby! A case report and literature analysis – views: 27 128 / Citations: 7

Videodermatoscopy of pearly penile papules. Case reports – views: 22 697 / Citations: 2

A study on non venereal genital dermatoses in north India – 18 345 / Citations: 23

A tricky man issue: Angiokeratomas of scroti – 15 414 / Citations: 1

Dermatology Eponyms – sign –Lexicon (H) – 15 203 / Citations: 12

A study on dermatoses of pregnancy – 14 019 / Citations: 15

Ungual Dyschromia – 12 662 / Citations: 1

Dermatitis de interfase por drogas. De las formas leves a las severas. Una visión dermatopatológica – 12 562 / Citations: 3

Patologias umbilicales en niños. Aporte de dos casos y revisión de la literatura – 10 480 / Citations: 1

Mnemonics in dermatopathology – 9 539 / Citations: 1


  • Most cited articles (11.12.2020)

Antifungal drugs and resistance: Current concepts – views: 643 / Citations: 45

A clinical study of geriatric dermatoses – views: 416 / Citations: 43

Pustular psoriasis responding to probiotics–A new insight – views: 837 / Citations: 31

Topical corticosteroid abuse on the face: a prospective, study on outpatients of dermatology – views: 576 / Citations: 30

Autoimmune basement membrane and subepidermal blistering diseases. – views: 447 / Citations: 27

Sunscreens and Antioxidants as Photo-protective Measures: An update – views: 300 / Citations: 26

Seroepidemiology of Toxoplasma, Rubella, Cytomegalovirus and Herpes Simplex Virus -2 in Women with Bad Obstetric History. PART I: Toxoplasma and Rubella infections – views: 863 / Citations: 26

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