Comment: Scorbut and purpuric hyperkeratotic skin lesions in the elderly: What relationship? A case report   by Binan Yves, Kassi Komenan, Konan N’guessan, Acko Ubrich, Kaba Ibrahima, Bita Darius, Adom Hilaire, Toutou Toussaint


author: Prof. dr. Alin Laurentiu Tatu, E-mail:

Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, University, Dunarea de Jos”, Galati, Romania

Submission: 08.09.2019; Acceptance: 08.09.2019

Indeed C vitamin deficiency it is more frequent in older people maybe due to a lower intake and probably a slow pathway of metabolism.It is very interesting to comment about the hyperkeratotic lesions clinically observed and the normal thickness of the epidermis observed at skin biopsy of the region reported by the authors.Also the authors commented that ,,In addition, during human aging a reflex in skin vasodilatation decreases [4,5]. This reduces microcirculation of the skin leading to trophic disorders observed in the skin extremities in the elderly.,, but when they described the skin biopsy result they observed ,,a discrete vascular dilation without vasculitis or thrombosis,,. I think that with the age the skin becomes more thin,more fragile,also the skin vessels so a kind of senile purpuric lesions described by Bateman con occur. I congratulate the authors for the vitamin C dose and supplementation.Sometimes other vitamins like,vitamine D, riboflavine has low levels in elderly people,so they should be checked.

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