DOI: 10.7241/ourd.20122.27 article in PDF
Our Dermatol Online. 2012; 3(2): 128-130
Date of submission: 06.12.2011 / acceptance: 20.01.2012
Conflicts of interest: None
Ahmad Al Aboud1, Khalid Al Aboud2
1Dermatology Department, King Abdullah Medical City, Makkah, Saudi Arabia
2Pathology Department, Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC, USA
Corresponding author: Dr Khalid Al Aboud e-mail:
How to cite an article: Al Aboud A, Al Aboud K. Recent changes in peer-reviewed dermatology journals. Our Dermatol Online 2012; 3(2): 128-130.
Peer-reviewed dermatology journals are essential media for dermatologists and are undergoing many changes to satisfy readers and authors. The number of dermatology journals and new journals that are devoted to dermatology subspecialties that are being published is increasing. This report highlights recent changes in peer-reviewed dermatology journals.
Key words: dermatology; journals; publication
Peer-reviewed periodicals are important vehicles for conveying new information [1]. Dermatology journals have existed since the mid-eighteenth century. Giornale Italiano di Dermatologia e Venereologia (in Italian), which began in 1866, is the oldest dermatology journal that is still published [2]. Since then, many dermatology journals have appeared worldwide (Tabl. I) [3-10]. These journals are published primarily as the official publication of emerging dermatology societies and organizations. Over 100 dermatology-related journals exist, differing with regard to many aspects (Box I). Dermatology journals have undergone many changes. Many titles have been added, and many titles have ceased publication (Tabl. II and III, respectively). Some journals have gained accessed to Index Medicus, and others have lost this privilege. Few journals have changed their titles and sponsor organizations. The internet has dramatically changed medical journalism, including dermatology, Simplifying the submission of manuscripts becomes and allowing authors to track their submissions online. The time from submission to publication has declined significantly. Many medical journals are now created in response to NIH-USA, Welcome Trust-UK and other open access supporting organizations. In addition, new features have emerged in medical publication .Like video abstracts and post-publication peer-review. Readers may wish to read about post-publication peer-review by visiting one of the scientific website publishing such reviews. Many dermatology journals launched their pages in the social media websites like facebook, making the readers aware of their articles and allowing the online peer dialogue of their contents. Some journals have become solely online publications due to economic issues [8,9]. Medical journals continue to evolve with the advent of digital paperless publishing, but it seems unlikely that hard copy journals will become extinct soon [8]. The size of journals has fallen in recent years, due to rising print and postage costs, declining advertising revenue, and the easy availability of content on the internet [9]. In addition, many new concepts in medical publication have appeared, such as open access publishing. Open access publishing is a relatively new model for scholarly journal publishing that provides immediate, worldwide, barrier-free access to the full text of all published articles. In this model, the publication costs of an article are paid in the form of article processing charges. These fees replace subscription charges and allow publishers to make the full text of every published article freely available to all interested readers. Dermatology publications have the potential to improveby changing the curricula of training programs. Research methodologies; ethics of publication; and skills of scientific writing, editing, and reviewing should be important components of every dermatology training program. Nevertheless, the key issue remains the quality of the content of these journals. Dermatologists might be driven to read a certain journal more than others, influenced by such factors as the type of society with which he is affiliated and the accessibility of a given journal on the internet. It is likely that the dynamic changes in dermatology journals will influence the titles of the journals favored and read by each dermatologist. However, dermatologists with limited free time should devote more time to journals with high-quality content.
-The sponsoring society or organization.
-The submission and the processing system of the manuscripts.
-The frequency of publications.
-Accessibility of the full text online.
-The language of publication.
-The impact factor
-The impact factor
-The publication medium (online versus print or both).
-Indexing in MEDLINE or other databases.
Box I. Different features of a medical journal
The year | The Name of the Journal and previous titles if any |
1866 |
Giornale Italiano di Dermatologia e VenereologiaIt is oldest journal still published.In its previous title ”Giornale Italiano delle malattie veneree e malattie della pelle”, venereal diseases range before skin diseases.
Archive of Dermatology [3].This current title started in 1937. It was published as ” Journal of Cutaneous and Venereal diseases”, from 1882-1891, and as ”Journal of Cutaneous and Genito-Urinary Diseases”, from 1891-1909, and as ”The Journal of Cutaneous Diseases including Syphilis”, from 1903-1919, and as ”Archives of Dermatology and Syphiology”, from 1920-1936.
British Journal of Dermatology
Dermatology.This current title started in 1993. It was published as ”Dermatologische Zeitschrift”, from1893-1938, and as ”Dermatologica”, from 1939-1993.
Clinical and Experimental DermatologyThis current title started in 1976. It was published as ”Transactions of the London Dermatological Society”, from 1912–1926, and as ”Transactions of the St John’s Hospital Dermatological Society”, from 1927-1975 (Not published between 1939 and 1952, except a brief issue spanning 1947–1949.The issues between 1927 and 1962 included the Annual Report [4].
Acta Dermato-Venereologica
Journal of Investigative Dermatology
Australasian journal of Dermatology.This current title started in 1967. It was published as ”Australian Journal of Dermatology [3]”, from1951-1966.
Indian Journal of Dermatology
Annales de Dermatologie et de Venereologie
International Journal of Dermatology [5]
Journal of Cutaneous Pathology
Journal of Dermatologic Surgery
American Journal of Dermatopathology
Journal of American Academy of Dermatology [6,7]
*Listed according to the year of the first issue
Table I. The year of the first publication of selected peer-reviewed dermatology journals*
Journal title | The end year | Remarks |
Dermatology Nursing | Dec 2010 | It was published by the Dermatology Nursing Institute |
Dermatology + Psychosomatics | Dec 2004 | It was the official journal of the European Society for Dermatology and Psychiatry |
The International Journal of Leprosy and Other Mycobacterial Diseases | Dec 2005 | It was published by International Leprosy Association |
Table II. Selected few dermatology periodicals that recently ceased publication
Journal title | The start year | Current Editor and his or her (country) | Remarks and the electronic link of the journal |
Case Reports in Dermatology | 2009 | Gregor B.E. Jemec (Denmark) |
It is an open-access, peer-reviewed online-only journal. Available online at;
Clinical Medicine Insights: Dermatology
Robert Pearl (United Kingdom)
It is an open-access, peer-reviewed journal, published by, Libertas Academica Ltd. Available online at; to 1/1/2010 this journal was titled Clinical Medicine: Dermatology
Clinical, Cosmetic and
Investigational Dermatology
Jeffrey M. Weinberg (USA)
It is an international, peer-reviewed, Open Access journal. Published by Dove Medical Press Ltd.Available online at;
Dermatology Reports
Robert Gniadecki (Denmark)
It is a new open access, peer-reviewed journal published by PAGEPress, Pavia, Italy. Available online at;
Journal of Cosmetics,
Dermatological Sciences and
Bouzid Menaa (USA)
Published by Scientific Research Publishing Inc. Available online at;
Journal of Dermatological Case Reports
Lidia Rudnicka (Poland)
Published by Specjalisci Dermatolodzy. Available online at;
Our Dermatology Online
Piotr Brzezinski (Poland)
Published quarterly. The journal is among the few not related to dermatological associations or belonging to respective a society which guarantees complete
independence. Available online at;
The International Journal of Trichology
Patrick Yesudian (India)
It is the official peer-reviewed journal of the Hair Research Society of India. Available online at;
Table III. Selected few, newly added dermatology journals
The authors express their sincere thanks to the editorial offices for submitting information on their journals.
1. Al Aboud Kh, Al Aboud A, Al Hawsawi Kh, Ramesh V: Editors of dermatological journals. Acta Dermatovenerol Alp Panonica Adriat. 2005; 14:167-170.
2. Holubar K, Tuneu A: The oldest dermatological journals. Ann Dermatol Venereol. 2004; 131: 999.
3. Robinson JK: The sweep of time for the archives of Dermatology. Arch Dermatol 2004; 140: 114-115
4. Al Aboud K, Khachemoune A: A short history of Clinical and Experimental Dermatology. Clin Exp Dermatol. 2006; 31: 129.
5. Parish LC: The dermatology journal: on Editor’s reflections and a farewell.Int J Dermatol 2000; 39: 892-894.
6. Dobson RL: The Blue journal. J Am Acad Dermatol 1998; 39: 129.
7. Bernhard JD: My Grandfather’s Axe. J Am Acad Dermatol 1998; 39: 246-247.
8. Lee RV: Medical journals: old, not senescent. A tribute to Revista Médica de Chile on its 135th anniversary. Rev Med Chil. 2007; 135: 823-828.
9. Hill MJ: Dermatology Nursing Expands in a New Direction. Dermaology Nursing 2010; 22: 1.
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