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N Dermatol Online. 2010; 1(1): 11-12
Conflicts of interest: None


Piotr Brzezinski

6th Military Support Unit in Ustka, Poland

Corresponding author: Dr. Piotr Brzeziński

How to cite this article: Brzezinski P. New case of congenital vesicular erosive dermatosis supple reticulated scar. Our Dermatol Online. 2010; 1(1): 11-12.

To ambulatory at Ustka (Poland) reported a patient with a four-year daughter with skin problems. The interview was generally healthy, baby born at 34 weeks gestation (fifth pregnancy, third child), eight points on the Apgar scale, labor buttock, birth weight 2100 g, length 50 cm. Not yet diagnosed in the direction of skin diseases. The girl was born with erosions in the right bottom of the popliteal and the right forearm. With time, skin lesions began to gradually cover the right side of the body (lower limb, buttock, breast area). Periodically facial erythema. Physical examination revealed longitudinally penetrations, arranged reticulated scarring and fresh erythematous change (Fig. 1). Skin lesions on the right side, covered the bottom of the popliteal, the area of the knee, buttock, forearm and inframammary region. Skin changes are carried out along the Blaschko lines. Erythematous changes tend to show a periodic change in color from light red to dark red. In addition median canaliformis unguium. Based on clinical interview and posed the initial diagnosis of congenital vesicular erosive dermatosis supple reticulated scared. SCAR is rare a genodermatozy, first described by Cohen et al in 1985. It is characterized by blisters and erosions at birth, which heal relatively quickly, creating evenly reticulate scars. To date, 17 cases of the disease (data from Pubmed database.) Due to the lack of specialized diagnostic patient was submitted to the Department of Dermatology.
Figure 1. Erythematous and reticulate scarring on the forearm

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